Our Mission

Worshiping Jesus

We are commanded to exalt God, both personally and corporately. We are called to assemble regularly (Hebrews 10:24, Acts 20:27) and worship God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23). Scripture is clear about how we are to worship. We pray (Matthew 6:9, Acts 1:14), we sing (Psalm 96:1-2, etc.), we celebrate the Gospel through the ordinances (Believer’s Baptism and the Lord’s Table), and we give (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). The expositional proclamation of God’s Word is always central (2 Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1:28).

Following Jesus

The Bible instructs us to edify each other. We grow spiritually through the process of discipleship (2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 2:3-5, Ephesians 4:1). Discipleship involves prayer (Colossians 1:9), unity and humility (Philippians 1:27; 2:3-8), and growing in knowledge (Colossians 1:9, 2 Peter 1:5). God has put all the pieces in place so that the body works properly when every member serves (Ephesians 4:15-16, 1 Peter 4:10, Malachi 3:18).

Sharing Jesus

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is the primary command that Jesus gave the Church. When we are obediently following this command, sharing the Gospel with others begins next door and continues to the entire world (Acts 1:8). Our evangelism is centered on God, driven by Scripture, and is a part of the process of discipleship. Every believer is called to faithfully and regularly share the Gospel.


We seek to be a unified Body of believers faithfully striving to be deeply involved in each others’ lives. The Christian life is something that we do together (Acts 2:42).