Our Leadership

Our Elders serve to shepherd and give oversight to the people of Fellowship Baptist Church. They strive to fulfill their role as described in I Peter 5:2-3: "shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock."

Ed Willoughby

Lead Elder

Ed has served at Fellowship Baptist Church since 2006. He has served as Student Minister, Associate Pastor of Family Ministry, and now Lead Elder. Before coming to Fellowship, Ed served in camp ministry for eight years. He graduated from the University of Arkansas, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Ed and his wife Diane have two daughters, Camdyn and Kendyl. Ed enjoys college football, history, and visiting National Parks with his family.

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Rex Wakefield

Elder for Worship & Senior Adults

Rex was called to serve on staff in September 1997. He attended Baylor University before transfering to Oral Roberts University where he recieved his Bachelor of Music Education. He married Jan Wakefield on May 2, 1977. He received his Master of Music degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Rex and Jan have three grown children: Jason, Jonathan and Jordanna.

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Josh Manning

Director of Kids & Family Ministries

Josh has served on staff since 2024. He is a graduate of Missouri Southern State University with a degree in Elementary Education. Josh was ordained in 2017 and served as the Senior Pastor of Community Baptist Church in Noel, MO for seven years before coming to Fellowship. Josh married Lauren in 2002 and they have three children, Emma, Luke, and Claire.

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Our Elders

Rex Wakefield, John Knudsen, Dennis Watson, Jed Schlegel, Randy Corp, Richard Walter, Ed Willoughby